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Not just paired, but connected

After the Shared Reading stage, there are 9 developmental reading stages (340 titles) comprising of connected books written with a different text type.

  • Paired books address the same concepts, vocabulary and high-frequency words in different text types and sentence structures.
  • High frequency words are gradually and systematically introduced and reused at the early levels.
  • There is a high rate of repetition of high-frequency words and a low ration of unfamiliar words at the early levels.
  • There is a balance of illustrated narrative and photographic informative books.
  • There is a wide range of text types – narratives, recounts, procedures, explanations, reports and persuasive texts.
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Oxford University Press

For Early Literacy (Australia)
enquiries and sales:

1300 650 616

Eleanor Cutain Publishing

enquiries and sales:

+613 9867 4880


For Early Literacy (New Zealand)
enquiries and sales:

021 585 975 or 0800 782 337


For Early Literacy (Ireland)
enquiries and sales:

+353 1 413 7200